With PIASAN®-S 25/6 it is possible to apply nitrogen and sulfur in a balanced ratio. That guarantees supply of nutrients in line with requirements with maximum yields.
Nitrogen is present in the proven combination of urea nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen. An immediate and sustainable nitrogen supply results from this.
The fully water soluble sulfur consists of ammonium sulfate and ammonium thiosulfate. The sulfate sulfur from the ammonium sulfate can be utilized by the plants immediately. The sulfur from the thiosulfate is converted in the soil over several stages and taken up as sulfate sulfur in line with requirements. In this concentration it has neither a urease nor a nitrification inhibiting effect. Ammonium thiosulfate as a mixing partner in the liquid fertiliser acts as a pure source of nutrients.
The sulfur requirement for agricultural crops varies. Cruciferous plants such as oilseed rape have a particularly high sulfur requirement due to their high mustard oil content. The sulfur concentration in the plant dry matter of oilseed rape should not go below 0.45 %. For cereals the concentration should not be below 0.30 %. High yields and protein contents are otherwise endangered (DLG 2012).
Sulfur deficiency can result in problems with the nitrogen uptake. Nitrogen and sulfur are always required in a narrow fixed ratio for the build-up of protein. In addition nitrate cannot be converted as there is a deficiency in the sulfur containing enzyme nitrate reductase. The nitrogen incorporation in amino acids is thus disturbed and protein formation is inhibited. One kilogram of deficiency in sulfur per hectare can block the uptake of 10 to 15 kg of nitrogen. The uptake of sulfur into the plant occurs in sulfate form. Sulfur fertilisation should occur right at the start of spring growth in the event of an acute deficiency; otherwise it is also possible for quality application.
A high level of plant compatibility is only guaranteed with liquid fertilisers in brand quality.
That in turn is the pre-requisite for high yields and good harvest quality. Liquid fertilisers of unknown origin and low surface tension can lead to leaf necrosis, thereby reducing the potential yield. PIASAN®-S 25/6 has a very high surface tension of 60 – 80 mN/m. The pH value of PIASAN®-S 25/6 is in the neutral range between 6 - 7. Storage life is guaranteed even at freezing temperatures – crystallisation only starts at -15 °C.
The creation of coarse drops succeeds thanks to the use of anti-drift nozzles (ADN) with a low spray pressure (approx. 2 bar). A coarse drop spectrum is thus achieved.
Special liquid fertiliser- (LF) or multi-hole nozzles should preferably be used under critical conditions in order to apply the liquid fertiliser in a “rain” formation even in large quantities.
PIASAN®-S 25/6 can be applied evenly, with precise dosage and right up to the edge with customary plant protection technology. All nozzles are well suited for the start of spring growth or at sowing. The following applies for fertilisation in crop formations: The drops should be proportionately greater for more sensitive plants and the spray pressure lower. The choice of nozzle can have a decisive effect on the plant compatibility.
You use fan nozzles from the start of spring growth until the bolting phase. You use anti-drift nozzles in the lower pressure range. For this purpose you should make use of the tables for liquid fertilisers (UAN) provided by the nozzle manufacturers. They are also suitable for combined application with plant protection agents, growth regulators and trace nutrients.
Multi-hole nozzles are recommended for sensitive plants for all fertilisation dates. The liquid fertiliser can thus be used in such a way that it is particularly gentle and low in drift while coarse drops are provided. They are not intended for application following ear emergence and not for combined application with plant protection agents.
Drag hoses and pipes are suitable if the customary plant compatibility is not guaranteed. They can be used at the time of ear emergence and following it. Application in winter crops at the start of spring growth should be avoided due to possible stripe formation.
If leaf necrosis should exceptionally occur following the use of PIASAN®-S 25/6, this is no cause for concern. They will grow together quickly and seldom they have any effect on yields.
PIASAN®-S 25/6 can be used in all agricultural crops.
PIASAN®-S 25/6 has a density of 1.31 g/cm³. This should be taken into consideration for the fertiliser calculation, transport and storage.
It is easy to calculate:
100 kg of PIASAN®-S 25/6 contain 25 kg N and 6 kg S. The conversion factor from kg N to kg is 4.0. 100 liters of PIASAN®-S 25/6 contain 32.75 kg N and 7.9 kg S.
The faster way: The fertiliser calculator
PIASAN®-S 25/6 is a brand product of SKW Stickstoffwerke Piesteritz with strictly controlled quality. The high nutrient contents of 25 % nitrogen and 6 % sulfur make PIASAN®-S 25/6 into a highly-concentrated liquid fertiliser with considerable workload and efficiency advantages in terms of application, storage and transport. The following fertilisation recommendation is based on the results of our applied research and practical experience. You should adapt these to the local conditions and the plant requirement established in line with the Fertilisation Ordinance. If you have any questions concerning the appropriate use of PIASAN®-S 25/6 you can contact our specialist advisers at any time or consult www.duengerfuchs.de.
PFC1 (c)(I)(b)(i): Compound liquid inorganic simple-macronutrient fertiliser, N25, S6
25 % N total nitrogen
11 % N urea nitrogen
5 % N nitrate nitrogen
9 % N ammonium nitrogen
6 % S water soluble sulfur
ammonium nitrate (CAS: 6484-52-2)*
urea (CAS: 57-13-6)*
ammonium thiosulfate (CAS: 7783-18-8)*
sulfuric acid (CAS: 7664-93-9)*
*Substances and mixtures of unprocessed raw materials
Characteristic values
Density (at 20 °C): 1.31 g/cm3
pH value: 6 – 8
Start of crystallisation: -15 °C
Colour: Yellow
Biuret content: max. 0.3 %
Dynamic viscosity (at 20 °C): 4.22 mPas